DCRM 2024
- Beatrixtheater Utrecht
- Dit evenement is afgelopen
Poster presentaties
P001. Comparing non-microprocessor controlled and microprocessor controlled prosthetic knees on all ICF-levels: a prospective cohort study – Charlotte Bosman
P002. Postural sway measurement using a body-worn movement sensor in clinical stroke rehabilitation: exploring sensitivity to change and responsiveness – Marieke Geerars
P003. Step-by-step approach to design an evidence based intensive physical rehabilitation program for children and adolescents with acquired brain injury – Christiaan Gmelig Meyling
P004. Undernutrition is associated with impaired wound healing and lower quality of life in people with major dysvascular lower limb amputation – Aniek Kolen
P005. Nutritional care practice in ALS: perspectives from patients and healthcare professionals – Merle Kuiper
P006. Validity and reliability of a new method for Visual Analysis of Scapular Kinesis in children and adolescents – Daphne Meijler
P007. The course of anxiety symptoms in the 24 months after start of stroke rehabilitation – Diana Oosterveer
P008. Quality of Life of the Dutch population of people living with MND evaluated with the PROMIS-10 Global Health – Ann Katrin Schmidt
P009. ABI-MOTION: An integrated active lifestyle aftercare network for individuals with acquired brain injury – Lianne de Vries
P010. Quality of life in neuromuscular disease: what is the role of acceptance of disease? – Gwen Sonnemans
During the congress a delegation of the scientific committee awards the Best Poster prize. The awarding of this prize is based on the following criteria (scientific quality; quality of the content of the abstract; clinical relevance;innovative) and the quality of the poster presentation. The prize will be awarded to a early career researcher (resident, rehabilitation physician for max. 3 years or PhD candidate / PhD graduated max. 3 years ago)
P011. Assessing and categorizing health-related quality of life outcomes in children and youth with acquired brain injury in outpatient rehabilitation – Florian Allonsius
P013. Exploring cancer rehabilitation populations and rehabilitation-related outcomes at Rijndam and Revant Rehabilitation – Petra Boelens
P015. Interdisciplinary cancer rehabilitation differences between Rijndam locations: variation in guideline adherence in relation to clinical outcome – Petra Boelens
P017. Cognitive assessment following subarachnoid hemorrhage: Comparing Vienna Test Systems to standard neuropsychological tests and exploring the influence of sensory hypersensitivity – Céline Didderen
P019. Specialized lower limb orthotic care to improve functioning in adults with neuromuscular disorders: results of a randomized controlled trial – Elza van Duijnhoven
P021. Long-term outcomes after Early Intensive Neurorehabilitation for patients with Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness: a prospective cohort study – Daniëlle Driessen
P023. Shared or guided decision-making in the clinical immunology practice? A matter of personalization! – Tessa Folkertsma
P025. Feasibility of an intensive physical rehabilitation program (REHABILITY) for children and adolescents with acquired brain injury – Christiaan Gmelig Meyling
P027. Home-based exergaming to enhance resistance to falls after stroke (HEROES): proof-of-principle protocol – Lotte Hagedoorn
P029. The use of a simplified 3D-foot model to identify equinovarus: a case-study – Ruth Huurneman
P031. Multidimensional measurements of dysarthria in Myotonic Dystrophy type 1 – Simone Knuijt
P033. The Association between Energy Cost of Walking and Physical Activity in Ambulatory People with Spinal Cord Injury – Marthe Langerwerf
P035. Comparison of PROMIS® CAT Profile scores of stroke patients in a hospital and rehabilitation setting – Winke van Meijeren-Pont
P037. Evaluation of Compensation Strategies During Turns for Gait Impairments in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease – Bert van Meirhaeghe
P039. Unraveling neuropathic pain: exploring mechanisms in spinal cord injury – Hannah Mesters
P041. Vocational Rehabilitation for Patients with Post COVID-19 to Improve Quality of Life, Physical Function, and Return to Work – Sophie Oberink
P043. Understanding the experiences of sleep and physical activity in adults with cerebral palsy: A qualitative exploration – Ilse van Rijssen
P045. Application of learning strategies by children with DCD and their parents at home – Heleen Reinders-Messelink
P047. Energy cost for activities of daily living in persons with lower limb amputation; a pilot study – Loeke van Schaik
P049. Integrating Personalized Physical Activity Promotion in Stroke Rehabilitation: Roles, Barriers, and Opportunities for Multidisciplinary Teams –Lisenka te Lindert
P051. Evaluation of the prescription of pain medication during inpatient spinal cord injury rehabilitation – Daniël Uittenbogaard
P053. Unravelling patient-defined goals related to (fine)hand-arm use enhances shared decision-making in spastic upper limb surgery for youth with cerebral palsy – Rosanna van Ossenbruggen
P055. Pediatric Spinal Cord Injury in the Netherlands: data from the Dutch Spinal Cord Injury Database 2015-2022 – Susan van Zeelst
P012. Mixed reality patient education during spinal cord injury rehabilitation: an evaluation study of feasibility and learning effects – Joost Baardman
P014. Interdisciplinary rehabilitation can improve cancer-related fatigue in population of Klimmendaal rehabilitation, preliminary results of a pre-post analysis – Petra Boelens
P016. Amitriptyline 10% Cream for Neuropathic Pain in Spinal Cord Injury: a Pilot Using Time Series Analysis of Single Cases – Tim Crul
P018. Radial Extracorporal shockwave therapy as treatment of spasticity in patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness: a research protocol – Nathalie Draulans
P020. Spasticity in patients with prolonged disorder of consciousness; a large single-centre prospective cohort study – Nathalie Draulans
P022. What impedes us makes us stronger: the effect of impeding forces on body weight supported gait after stroke – Sanne Ettema
P024. Implementation of personalized aerobic and resistance training during rehabilitation of patients with physical impairments: FITopMAAT – Karin Gerrits
P026. Exploring best suitable patient/parent-reported-outcome-measures (PROMs) to study fatigue, participation and quality of life in young patients with acquired brain injury – Menno van der Holst
P028. Vervallen
P030. The desires and experiences for individuals with physical disabilities in the field of adaptive gaming – Ties Klok
P032. Nocturnal blood pressure dipping and blood pressure variability in individuals with motor incomplete spinal cord injury during primary rehabilitation – Nelleke Langerak
P034. OPTIC trial: participation outcomes following induction treatment in persons with CIDP – Johan Lim
P036. 10 years SCORE study: results and recommendations for stroke rehabilitation – Winke van Meijeren-Pont
P038. The role of nurses supporting an active lifestyle during inpatient rehabilitation: taking responsibility in solving societal challenges – Åsa Mennema
P040. Measurement of Outcomes of Rehabilitation in the Netherlands (MUREVAN): interim results of a multicentre prospective cohort study – Bianca Mourits
P042. Gait features in children with hereditary spastic paraplegia compared to cerebral palsy – Anke Pons
P044. The 24-hour physical activities in adults with cerebral palsy and their adherence to the 24-hour movement guideline – Ilse van Rijssen
P046. Values for cardiorespiratory fitness in persons with lower limb amputation – Loeke van Schaik
P048. Technique selection in transfemoral amputation surgery – an interview study among surgeons – Reslin Schelhaas
P050. Relying on the external world: uncovering individual strategies in working memory usage after stroke – Teuni ten Brink
P052. Participants’ experiences of Phantom Motor Imagery treatment to decrease phantom limb pain and the consequences on their daily functioning – Joanna van Veldhoven
P054. Older stroke patients also recover well during inpatient rehabilitation – Natasja Wouda
I001. BreeZe – a program for self-management support after a burn injury – Sharon Blok
I003. Adaptations in regional education to complement the renewed national education for rehabilitation residents – Iris Dekker
I005. Implementation of Guidance for Primary Care Rehabilitation for Acquired Brain Injury: results and opportunities – Lucas Koester
I007. Arm-leg ergometry – A new method to perform exercise testing and training in people with impaired lower limb function – Cassandra Kraaijenbrink
I009. Prediction of length of stay and content of clinical spinal cord injury rehabilitation – Marike Maijers
I011. Providing meaningful somatosensory feedback during robot-assisted neurorehabilitation to enhance motor learning – Alexandre Ratschat
I013. Enhancing involvement of significant others in spinal cord injury rehabilitation – Eline Scholten
I014. The OctoWalker, a walking wheelchair, design and first steps – Gerwin Smit
I015. A bio-inspired flexible immobility design for the treatment of distal radius fractures – Karin Thomassen
I016. Energetic: A multidisciplinary rehabilitation self-management group program in primary care – Sharon Wennink
I017. Towards a better understanding of post-stroke recovery: the CONTRAST consortium – Sarah Zandvliet
I019. Robotic Assessment of Stroke: The Shoulder Elbow Perturbator – Jonathan van Zanten
I002. MSR fasttrack; an example of how societal changes can lead to changes in rehabilitation indication – Ilse van den Brand
I004. ‘The Brilliant Study’: implementation research on the guidance ‘primary care rehabilitation brain injury’ – Gerbrich Douma
I006. Implementing TMS as a new treatment for upper limb recovery after stroke: a qualitative study – Elian König
I008. First experience with rehabilitation after implantation of an epidural spinal cord stimulator in a patient with complete spinal cord injury- Anke Maas
I010. Implementing and evaluating a robotic device for additional arm/hand training in severely affected stroke patients during early-stage rehabilitation – Gerdienke Prange
I012. Improving daily structure in people with acquired brain injury – Marissa Riemens
I018. Simulating exoskeleton walking with able-bodied participants – a testing platform for exoskeleton development –Nianlei Zhang