DCRM 2023
- s-Hertogenbosch
- Dit evenement is afgelopen
Poster presentations
P01: Cognitive assessment during inpatient rehabilitation after spinal cord injury – Anneke Welkamp
P02: Cumulative plantar tissue stress and its association with foot ulcer recurrence in people with diabetes – Chantal Hulshof
P03: Gait stability and the relationship with energy cost of walking in polio survivors with unilateral plantarflexor weakness – Elza Van Duijnhoven
P04: The structure of rehabilitation care for young patients with acquired brain injury: Similarities and differences among Dutch rehabilitation centers – Florian Allonsius
P05: Effects of training for an athletic challenge on illness cognition in individuals with chronic disability: a prospective cohort study – Ingrid Kouwijzer
P06: Computerized assessment of the ventilatory threshold for exercise prescription in neuromuscular diseases; an alternative for visual assessment? – Jacco Engel
P07 – I1 Update on the development and use of a Mixed Reality spinal cord injury patient education: detailed modules about neurogenic bladder and bowel dysfunction and management – Joost Baardman
P08: Is upper extremity contracture progression related to changes in upper extremity function in boys with duchenne muscular dystrophy? a prospective, longitudinal, multicenter natural history study – Merel Italianer
P09: Comparison of the advanced multi-grip myoelectric hand prostheses with the standard myoelectric hand prostheses – Nienke Kerver
P10 – I2 ADJUST: A stiffness adjustable ankle-foot-orthosis for rapid human-in-the-loop orthosis selection – Rein Miedema
P11: RYSEN body weight support versus conventional gait training: an observational study – Sanne Ettema
P12: The validity of cardiopulmonary exercise testing to assess peak oxygen consumption in people with slowly progressive neuromuscular diseases – Tim Veneman
During the congress a delegation of the scientific committee awards the Best Poster prize. The awarding of this prize is based on the following criteria (scientific quality; quality of the content of the abstract; clinical relevance;innovative) and the quality of the poster presentation. The prize will be awarded to a early career researcher (resident, rehabilitation physician for max. 3 years or PhD candidate / PhD graduated max. 3 years ago)
P13: The feasibility and test-retest reliability of determining the first ventilatory threshold through submaximal exercise testing in slowly progressive neuromuscular diseases – Tim Veneman
P15: Evaluation of Medical Education in Rehabilitation Medicine at Adelante Rehabilitation Centre, Hoensbroek – Anisha Thakoer
P17: Safety, walking ability and satisfaction outcomes with the NEUROTRONIC knee-ankle-foot orthosis (SCKAFO): a comparative evaluation to the E-MAG Active SCKAFO – Bart Raijmakers
P19: The exploration of patients’ experience concerning the use of PROMs within routine post-stroke practice: a mixed method approach – Bianca Mourits
P21: The effect of bimanual intensive functional training on somatosensory hand function in children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy – Catherine Steinbusch
P23: Falls in people with diabetes and peripheral neuropathy and their association with physical activity and gait quality – Chantal Hulshof
P25: Adaptive gaming solutions in relation to hand function impairment in children and young adults with neuromuscular diseases – Christine Roosendaal
P29: Longitudinal relationship between strength of the dorsiflexion muscles and dorsiflexion angle during swing in subacute post-stroke patients – Eline Waaijer
P31: Perceived barriers and facilitators of behavioral change towards a more active lifestyle in people living with neuromuscular diseases – Eric Voorn
P33: The Use and Teaching of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework in Dutch Medical Schools: A National challenge in Rehabilitation Medicine Education. – Clemens Rommers
P35: The nebula rain game: a measure of visuospatial neglect? – a pilot study – Inge Verlinden
P37: The use of OPTIMAL motor teaching strategies in physiotherapy for stroke patients – Jorine Schoenmaker
P39: Effects of surgical intervention in patients with an equinovarus foot deformity following stroke – Judith Fleuren
P41: The clinical relevance of power and work in evaluating the effect of chemodenervation of the rectus femoris muscle in stiff-knee gait – Kristina Forbes
P43: Patient flow problems in spinal cord injury in the Netherlands – Linda Van Der Schriek
P45: The effects of custom-made footwear on stability during walking in people with diabetes and peripheral neuropathy – Lisa Vossen
P47: Longitudinal associations between physical activity barriers and physical activity behavior during and after rehabilitation: the ReSpAct cohort study – Maaike Wildekamp
P49: The Strain of Walking in Ambulatory People with Spinal Cord Injury – Marthe Langerwerf
P51: Return to work up to 1 year in patients hospitalized for COVID-19; the CO-FLOW study – Martine Bek
P53: Everyday Barriers in Communicative Participation According to People With Communication Problems – Nicole ter Wal
P55: Research priorities in ankle-foot orthotics care; a survey among rehabilitation specialists and patients in the Netherlands – Niels Waterval
P57: Measurement properties of the Dutch versions of QuickDASH and PRWHE in patients with complaints of hand, wrist, forearm and elbow – Redmar Berduszek
P59: The effect of rocker shoe parameters on step length during walking – Rifko Rahmat Kurnianto
P61: Efficacy of aerobic exercise on aerobic capacity in slowly progressive neuromuscular diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis – Sander Oorschot
P63: Longitudinal course of long finger flexor shortening in males with Duchenne muscular dystrophy – Saskia Houwen
P65: Motor Fatigability in the Upper and Lower Limbs of Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review – Silke Paulussen
P67: Factors and Motives in Choosing Non-pharmacological Treatments for Neuropathic Pain in People with Spinal Cord Injury: a Qualitative Study – Tim Crul
P69: Compensatory mechanisms and fatiguability in patients with neuromuscular diseases – Yvonne van de Ven
P14. Trajectory of life satisfaction and its relationship with psychological determinants in people with a spinal cord injury – a prospective longitudinal cohort study – Aline J. Hakbijl – van der Wind
P16. Utilizing Educational Diversity in Rehabilitation Nursing: Optimizing the Nursing Team’s Potential – Åsa Mennema
P18. Measurement of outcomes of rehabilitation in the Netherlands (MUREVAN): a multicentre prospective cohort study – Bianca Mourits
P20. RISE intervention: heading to a sustainable movement behavioural change in people with stroke – trial protocol – Camille Biemans
P22. Cognitive impairment in amputation rehabilitation: an underestimated factor – Cecile Utens
P24. Functional popliteal angle tests improve diagnostics of short hamstring muscle-tendon lengths in patients with a central neurological lesion – Christian Greve
P26. Outcomes of an Early Intensive Neurorehabilitation programme for patients with Disorders of Consciousness: results of the DOCTOR study – Danielle Driessen
P27: The use of virtual reality in interdisciplinary multimodal pain treatment: experiences of healthcare professionals and patients – Darcy Ummels
P28. Cross-cultural translation and content validity of the Dutch Determinants of Physical Activity Questionnaire (DPAQ) in a rehabilitation population – Monique Berger
P30. Improvements in walking speed and step-width variability following ankle-foot orthosis treatment are related to improved perceived stability in adults with neuromuscular disorders – Elza Van Duijnhoven
P32. Identification of different functional hand grips using a sensor glove: reproducibility in healthy subjects – Eva-Maria Stevens – Lefferts
P34. Triage of stroke patients after hospital admission, who goes where? – Henk Arwert
P36. PReCARE – Evaluation of a PReparatory eHealth intervention for patients with a low socioeconomic position in CArdiac REhabilitation: a feasibility study – Jasper Faber
P38. Factors associated with no clinical meaningful improvement in the 6MWT in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain who report clinical improvement on disability after interdisciplinary multimodal pain treatment: prospective cohort study – Joyce Stenvert
P40. The effects of diversity on patient-reported recovery from COVID-19 following hospitalization – Julia Berentschot
P42. How do children and adolecents rate sitting and rolling in their manual wheelchair? – Linda Valent
P44. An integrated personalized assistive devices approach to reduce the risk of foot ulcer recurrence in diabetes (DIASSIST): study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial – Lisa Vossen
P46. Exploring patient motivations for being active or sedentary during inpatient stroke rehabilitation: a qualitative interview study – Lisenka te Lindert
P48. Netherlands CP Register for children with cerebral palsy: An innovative model for personalized care with patient participation – Marij Roebroeck
P50. Ecological validity of clinical gait analysis in children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy. Influence of the Hawthorne effect and dual-tasks – Martin Oude Alink
P52. Long-term health-related quality of life in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors – Nelleke Hagens
P54. Ultrasound to monitor bone movement within prosthetic sockets: A pilot study – Niels Jonkergouw
P56. The effectiveness of interventions on spasticity applied in the first three months after stroke: A systematic review – Nino van Tilborg
P58. Health-related physical fitness in patients with complaints of hand, wrist, forearm and elbow: an exploratory study – Redmar Berduszek
P60. Technical evaluation of commercial IMUs within clinical gait analysis in adult with a neurological disorder – Ruth Huurneman
P62. Pain experiences, beliefs and the consequences of pain for functioning in people with Reumatoïd Arthritis and chronic secondary pain – Sanne Roijackers
P64. Facilitators and barriers in living the desired adult life, despite having Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) – Saskia Houwen
P66. Obesity in people with long-standing spinal cord injury: prevalence and associations with time since injury and physical activity – Sonja De Groot
P68. Myokines may target accelerated cognitive aging in people with spinal cord injury: A systematic and topical review – Wouter Vints
P70. Person Centred Care in Rehabilitation Medicine, Interprofessionalism in action! – Joost Hurkmans
I1 – P07. Update on the development and use of a Mixed Reality spinal cord injury patient education: detailed modules about neurogenic bladder and bowel dysfunction and management – Joost Baardman
I2 – P10. ADJUST: A stiffness adjustable ankle-foot-orthosis for rapid human-in-the-loop orthosis selection – Rein Miedema
I3. GameChangers: rehabilitation professionals specialized in inclusive gaming – Bonita Janse
I4. Madglove: Creating an accessible home-rehabilitation glove to increase independence for people with spasticity – Cara Knott
I5. Implementing eHealth as blended rehabilitation care using action research: perspectives of patients, parents and healthcare professionals on the use of eHealth in rehabilitation care – Carine Gotink
I6. Health literacy: a practice-driven exploration to bridge the gap – Chantal Bakker
I8. Management of cocktail party deafness (CPD) in a normal hearing adult with hyperacusis and acquired central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) – Frank De Vries
I9. Challenges in implementing fixed treatment plan definitions (FTPDs). Clinicians’ opinions on working with FTPDs – Hein Swinkels
I10. Development of a knowledge agenda for orthopaedic footwear – Jaap Van Netten
I11. A description of the underlying principles of the ‘Rehabilitation is all about learning’-approach; a theoretical framework – Rick Van De Ven
I12. The effect of working according to the ‘Rehabilitation is all about learning’-approach on the rehabilitation trajectory; a first insight – Rick Van De Ven
I13. Collaboration between primary and secondary care in the treatment of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder – Sarah Flap
I14. Pediatric Post Covid Condition: Current insights and practise and the role of rehabilitation physicians in the treatment of children – Mattijs van Alsem